Personal Computing Support

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What is a Firewall?

A firewall is an essential component in keeping your computer secure. If your computer is connected to the internet and you don’t have a firewall then it is at risk of intrusion from criminals and other (unscrupulous) internet users.

A firewall prevents other internet users from accessing your computer and any information that is stored on it. It puts a block in place to prevent intrusion and keeps your data safe.

Having no firewall, is like leaving the doors and windows of your house unlocked – someone will sneak in and steal something or cause damage. With a firewall, your computer will have lockable doors and windows!

A firewall can be both:

  • Software based – such as the Microsoft Windows firewall or part of an Internet security software package.
  • Hardware based – some broadband routers have an inbuilt firewall.

If you are unsure about whether or not you have a firewall or if you think it may not be working then contact me.
